Saturday, September 8, 2007

Wish you were here!

I just watched the first stagger through of the Gizard of ID ...on stage..... stagger is a good word... (JUST KIDDING ...the bar hasn't opened..... yet...... much to the dismay of many). I was going to say something witty or cutting here - but actually I am amazed at what is shaping up!

The actors have their act together.... it's pretty funny ....

And what I have seen of the sets and props so far - I can't believe this much stuff has been done!!! It looks really professional -

Although I must say ... the sound crew seems a bit smug .... laying back reading the newspaper while everyone else is swirling about them.

And the lighting folks .... they're a little spacey... almost like they still have their heads in the clouds (or up on the catwalks)

All in all the best part of the day............... is the food ....MAN! That SoHo Bar and Grill .... they make GREAT food! I am stuffed.


1 comment:

Ben said...

As good as the run-through was, it didn't even come close to how phenomenal the real deal was! The magic of our cast and crew will not soon be forgotten.