Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thank you Play in a Day Sponsors!!

Can you believe there are only two and a half weeks to go till the 24 hours begin?

The Legal Information Society of NS is putting the final touches on that "top secret" completely original script, packing swag bags for participants and ordering all the yummy food for the receptions and throughout the 24 hours.

A HUGE thanks must go out to the Event Sponsors:

McKellar Structured Settlements Inc.
Drake Recording Services Ltd.
Stephen Kennedy's Bailiff Services
Deli Green Bakery & Catering

If you would like to see the play on Sept. 6th. contact for tickets. Adults are $30 and kids $15 (both include the "Deli Green Opening Night Gala" and the "Deli Green Closing Night Wrap Party" which are all on the same night of course!)

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