Ah .... can it really be over? How is this possible? Another Play in a Day just flew right by! Here are some final thoughts from LISNS staff:
- What a great bunch of people to spend 24 hours with! From participants, to Jeremy and the Neptune crew.... it truly was a pleasure to spend all that time with everyone
- Jeremy's capabilities never cease to amaze me. On a great day - feeling 100% - the job of producing a play, like he does at Play in a Day, takes a great deal of skill and patience. If he felt (during those 24 hours) remotely like I have been feeling the last 3 days (aweful end of summer cold) the man is a super hero!
- The Sponsors and supporters - McKellar Structured Settlements, Drake Recording Services, Deli Green Bakery and Catering, Stephen Kennedy's Bailiff Services and the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society - made it possible for the show to go on! Thank you SO much.
- All of the people who gave donations or bought tickets were wonderful - thank you!
- Note: I have seen some of the raw footage of the performance .... and it looks great! We are working on getting a version show and the 24 preceding hours edited into a DVD which will go up for sale in the next next couple of months ... Everyone will be notified. But if you want to make sure you get on the list email me (Gwen) development@legalinfo.org
I hope to see some of you back next year .... whether as part of another team - or in the audience.
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